Nyasha Daley


Introducing… Strictly Inclusive!

Love Strictly Come Dancing?Love expressing yourself through culture? Then you might love being involved in an exciting new project called Strictly Inclusive: Past, Present and Future, led by Coventry University, Centre for Dance Research, as part of the BBC’s Centenary […]

Join our Operations Team

We are looking to appoint 20 volunteers to help us with Coventry Pride 2022. Apply today.

Coventry Pride provides a first look at Coventry Pride 2021

This year, with the support of the Coventry City of Culture and Assembly Festival, we will be hosting Pride at Assembly Festival Garden all day on Sunday 8th August.

Getting involved in Summer of Pride

This summer Coventry Pride is taking over the whole summer, from July to October. We hope that by running a series of events, there will be something for everyone. We’ve postponed our Why we Pride events and will now run […]

Classically Queer: Musicians call-out

If you need this information in a different format, please email Hannah on hannah@coventrypride.org.uk. Coventry City of Culture 2021 in partnership with Coventry Pride is excited to hear from local LGBTQI+ musicians who would like to form part of our […]

Call-out: Pride Uprising Artists

An opportunity for LGBTQI+ artists to work on a commissioned artwork of their choosing. Apply now!

Coventry Pride launches Summer Of Pride

Coventry’s premier LGBT+ community organisation announces an exciting summer of Pride events, including partnership art installations and provocations with Coventry City of Culture Trust. Coventry Pride, the city’s primary LGBT+ community organisation, has announced an ambitious summer of events, initiatives, […]

An Open Letter from our Vice Chair to Glenn Williams

OPEN LETTER TO COVENTRY COUNCILLORS, BABLAKE WARDThursday 16 January 2020 Dear Councillor Jaswant Birdi and Councillor Tarlochan Singh Jandu I hope that this letter finds you both well. I write to you today, weary, emotionally exhausted, with an extremely heavy […]