As many of you may know, in April Coventry Pride held a public meeting to engage with the local LGBTQIA+ community in Coventry. With about 40 attendees joining to share thoughts and feedback, we wanted to share our gratitude for those who gave their time to engage in the activity. We are now in the process of looking at community needs against what is feasible by the Charity at this time, and what we can begin planning for in the future.
At this stage, which we know will be disappointing to some of you, we will not be hosting a Pride festival in 2023 – but instead are looking at a number of different activities that we can run throughout the year to give our LGBTQIA+ community both visibility and safe space beyond a single day or weekend. We anticipate the Pride festival will make a return in 2024, when Pride the charity has sufficient funding and resources to do so. In the meantime, we will be sharing details of nearby Pride festivals happening in our neighbouring communities.
Off the back of the public meeting, there are a couple of things that we want to share with you. The first is the return of a monthly newsletter that we are hoping to get set up in the next few weeks, please email to join the mailing
list, the second is a monthly Queer picnic in the park. These will take place on the last Sunday of the month throughout the summer, starting at the end of May. More details regarding this will follow shortly. Third, and for now finally, we fully heard how
the Pride website is a vital source of information for the community, and its revamping and usage will be the main discussion at the next Trustee Board meeting.
The focus of Coventry Pride as a Charity is to empower the LGBTQIA+ community all year round. We hope that you will join us on this new journey and enable us to support and serve the Queer community in Coventry.
Coventry Pride Trustees